Thursday, October 1, 2009

Make Italian Chicken Noodle Soup

You can make delicious Italian chicken noodle soup in under an hour. Chicken noodle soup has been considered the ultimate comfort food for a long time. But add the Italian touches and a little crusty bread and you've got a wonderful comfort meal. Learn make Italian chicken noodle soup in the guide below.


1. Pour the olive oil into a large pot on the stove. Add onions and green pepper. Sauté for 2 or 3 minutes or until onions turn to a translucent color.

2. Cut chicken into small pieces, about 1 inch in size.

3. Add chicken to the onions and peppers. Continue to sauté until chicken is well browned.

4. Once the chicken is browned, add tomatoes and Italian seasonings and stir well until tomatoes are slightly broken up.

5. Pour water over the mixture and stir well.

6. Cook for approximately 20 minutes, and then add carrots and linguine.

7. Allow the linguine to cook for an additional 20 to 30 minutes.

8. Serve warm with crusty Italian bread.

Tags: chicken noodle, Italian chicken, Italian chicken noodle, noodle soup, stir well