Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Ground Beef Curry Recipe


Curry is not traditionally associated with ground beef, since Indian culture frowns on the consumption of beef. Because curry has become such a cosmopolitan dish, however, and because it can be made with numerous variations across the world, ground beef curry is not as unusual as it may seem. It can be prepared very easily in just a few minutes and you can tailor the recipe to cook it to taste if you wish.


Ground beef curry requires 3 lbs. of ground beef, 4 tsp. curry power, 4 cups of rice, 2 cloves of minced garlic, 1 1/2 cups of chopped onion, 4 diced tomatoes (1 can of pre-diced tomatoes will suffice), 3 tbsp. of butter, and salt and pepper to taste. For some recipes, you can also add chopped carrots, potatoes and peas to the mixture in portions equal to your taste. If you want your curry to be milder, reduce the amount of curry powder used: it shouldn't affect the remainder of the recipe.


Melt the butter in a pan, then saute the garlic and chopped onion until translucent. Brown the ground beef until it is cooked, then mix in the tomatoes and remaining seasonings. Heat the mixture until it is hot, stirring thoroughly in the process. Place cooked rice on plates and spoon the heated mixture over it. The listed ingredients will make enough ground beef curry for about four servings.

Rice, Noodles or Bread

Cooking the rice yourself is extremely easy. You need 3 quarts of water for every cup of rice you want. Bring the water to a boil and then slowly slide the rice in so that it doesn't disrupt the boiling. Cook the rice for 15 to 18 minutes over medium heat, keeping the water at a boil. You can test it for readiness by tasting a few grains: they should be soft, but firm and not mushy. Then drain the water and serve. Curry also works well on other kinds of starches: flat noodles taste just as good as rice, and you can use flatbread or even regular bread too. Either pour the curry over the bread or serve the curry in a bowl and dip slices of the bread into it.


Curry is traditionally served with nuts, dried fruits and other condiments which can be sprinkled on top. Shredded coconut, dried and chopped nuts, raisins and sliced bananas all make excellent toppings, as does chutney if you have some available. Place them in individual bowls and arrange them in the center of the table. Add small spoons so that diners can sprinkle them on top of their curry to personal preference.

Tags: beef curry, chopped onion, Curry traditionally, ground beef, ground beef, ground beef curry