Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What Is Guarana Seed

What Is Guarana Seed?

Guaraná is a berry indigenous to the Amazon rainforest, and it has been harvested for centuries. It is a signature ingredient and flavor in Brazilian culinary culture, and, not unlike the acaí berry, has recently been "discovered" and misunderstood in the United States as a "miracle" substance. More so than just a natural stimulant, guaraná seed is a naturally unique flavor with a rich history.


Guaraná is a tropical berry indigenous to the Amazon Basin, located in the northern parts of Brazil and Venezuela. The name derives from the Brazilian Guarani tribe by whom the plant was first harvested for medicinal and culinary uses. The Guarani believe the herb to have magical medicinal properties to restore energy; whether magical or not, the "energy effect" is undoubtedly present in the seed, as a guaraná berry contains nearly twice the caffeine content of a coffee bean.


The botanical name for guaraná is Paullinia cupana, named for the German scientist C.F. Paullini who first discovered the plant along with the Guarani tribe in the 18th century. Guaraná is a climbing plant of the maple tree family; it produces large flat leaves and berry or flower clusters that ripen into the guaraná berry that grows to about the size of a coffee bean. Guaraná is a highly successful plant, as the high levels of caffeine work as a toxic repellent against harmful diseases that may attack the berries. The color of guaraná berries and seed varies between bright red and brown, while the seeds on the inside are charcoal black and are surrounded by white padding.

Chemical Composition

As aforementioned, the caffeine content in guaraná is nearly twice the concentration as is found in a coffee bean, averaging at around 5.5 percent gauranine (virtually identical to caffeine). The remainder of the seed contains nearly 50 percent vegetable fiber, 8.3 percent starch, 7.6 percent water, nearly 6 percent guaraná acid, 7.5 percent pectin, malic acid, mucilage, dextrin and salts, colorant and acids.

Cultural Role

Guaraná is relatively unknown outside of Brazil and Venezuela, though inside Brazil it is exceedingly popular in soft drinks and in powder forms. In Brazil it is not marketed for its caffeine high as it is in the United States, but rather for its unique taste. Guaraná Antarctica is by far the most popular brand of guaraná soft drink, though there are many competitors. Guaraná is also used as a flavoring powder that can be added to drinks or in recipes, in syrup and in chocolate bars and chewing gum. In the United States, however, guaraná is pedaled as a miracle energy drug in herbal vitamin supplements and energy drinks.


The story of guaraná comes from the Guarani tribe, where the myth of the "divine child" holds that a village child was killed by a serpent deity, after which another deity planted the child's eyes in the ground and from that guaraná sprang. The connection to "eyes" stems from the visual appearance of the contrast of the black seeds against the white surround and red shell of the berry.

Tags: coffee bean, Guarani tribe, United States, berry indigenous, berry indigenous Amazon