Friday, March 16, 2012

Make Cupcake Pretzels

If you're a pretzel lover, you'll appreciate this easy and delicious spin on the old favorite. Salty pretzels coated with cupcake batter and coated with sweet frosting turn ordinary pretzels into a gourmet treat for your taste buds.


1. Oil a large baking sheet, or spray it with nonstick cooking spray.

2. Prepare a box of cake batter in a large mixing bowl as directed on the package, and preheat the oven to the suggested temperature.

3. Dip the pretzels one by one into the batter and let the excess batter drop back into the mixing bowl. Lay the dipped pretzels on the baking sheet.

4. Bake the pretzels for about 5 to 10 minutes, depending on your oven and the thickness of the batter coating. Check the pretzels frequently to make sure they don't burn. When the batter is fluffy and light golden brown, remove the cupcake pretzels from the oven.

5. Allow the cupcake pretzels to cool, and frost each one carefully with the canned cake icing.

6. Sprinkle the freshly-frosted cupcake pretzels with your choice of toppings.

Tags: baking sheet, coated with, cupcake pretzels, mixing bowl, pretzels into