Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Drink Alfalfa Tea For Improved Health

The alfalfa plant has about 300 nutrients, and for the past 1,500 years has been prized for its versatile healing properties. Drinking alfalfa tea can help improve health problems such as high blood pressure, cholesterol, arthritis, colitis and bladder and prostate problems.


1. Acquire a taste for alfalfa by blending a couple of leaves into some pineapple juice. Add some water or a few ice cubes to keep the liquid from getting too thick.

2. Try juicing alfalfa sprouts to mix with carrot juice for a healthy drink. Go light on the sprouts at first until you get used to the taste.

3. Prepare alfalfa tea by boiling two or three leaves or sprouts in a quart of water for about 30 minutes, along with some lemongrass or mint to enhance the flavor. For maximum health benefit with an acute condition, drink the tea throughout the day, but only for a couple of weeks at a time.

4. Understand there isn't a prescribed amount of alfalfa tea to drink for specific chronic health problems. Two cups a day works well for most conditions and doesn't cause bloating, which can occur if you take larger doses.

Tags: health problems