Monday, January 18, 2010

Why Won'T My Avocado Tree Fruit

Not all avocado trees produce fruit. The seeds must be prepared pefore propogation and the tree must be allowed to mature. A tree that has produced fruit in the past may stop producing if there is a problem in it's environment.

Age of Tree

Avocado trees do not produce fruit for many years. Some take anywhere from 10 to 15 years to fruit. Different varieties will mature at different rates.


Avocados that are grown inside from seeds are often not grafted. Grafting is attaching a part of another plant to the seeding. This helps in producing a healthy tree that is more likely to produce fruit.


Avocado trees prefer to live in well drained soil. They do not survive well in areas that experience flooding. Salt content is also important. The trees cannot thrive in soil with high salinity.


Cold conditions are dangerous to avocado trees. They prefer warm environments. Frost and hard freezing can damage or even kill the tree. Unhealthy trees will not produce fruit.


Lack of fertilizer may also affect fruiting. Fertilizer should be applied monthly during the growing season, February through September.

Tags: produce fruit, Avocado trees, tree that, trees produce, trees produce fruit