Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Types Of Sweet White Wine

Sweet white wines can pair well with strong-flavored fruits.

Of those looking to appreciate wine, many people like to start with sweeter flavors that are more like a dessert and less like drinking alcohol. Sweet wines are created by adding sugar during fermentation or by a process called noble rot, which involves letting grapes decay on the vines to concentrate the sugar. Though there are sweet red and white wines, as well as thicker ports and sherries, a large number of the most common and popular white wines are quite sweet.

Sauvignon Blanc

Sauvignon blanc is perhaps the most common type of sweet white wine, with dominant flavors of fruit, smoke and herbs frequently used. This wine is great for those who like a light and crisp but complex flavor.


Semillon grapes have very strong fig-like characteristics and are often combined with Sauvignon blancs to diminish their strong berry taste. Semillon is a common ingredient in most Sauternes and Barsac wines, which are syrupy, full-bodied and often world-class.


Muscat wines are known for being dependably fruity with a distinctive aroma. The dominant flavors are grapefruit and muscat itself.


Riesling is a very popular sweet German wine known for its extremely light texture and apple aroma. Riesling is usually served fresh, and like other wines, improves with age.


Gewurztraminer, a very aromatic wine, is dominated by fruity scents such as rose petal, allspice and peach. These wines are grown and enjoyed all over the world.

Tags: white wines, dominant flavors, most common