Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Clean Copper Cookware

Copper cookware is often used for decoration only and never cooked in. Those who do use copper cookware for cooking food may come across several problems. Copper cookware should be cleaned regularly, inside and out, to retain the cooking properties and looks of the shiny copper.


1. Cut a lemon in half and pour salt on the open side of the lemon. Rub this onto tarnished areas of the copper pot. The salt acts as an abrasive while the lemon cleans the pot. Commercial tarnish removers can be used, but this method is cheap and works well.

2. Mix a paste of lemon juice and salt to use on copper cookware that just needs to be cleaned. Use a soft cloth to rub the mixture over the entire surface. Rinse the pot with warm water and dry with a soft towel. You can use a cloth to polish the copper surface after cleaning.

3. Soak copper pots overnight in a sink full of soapy water to remove any stuck-on foods or grease. Use a soft cloth and warm, soapy water to wash the inside of the pot. Using abrasive materials or scouring pads can scratch the lining on the copper, introducing the copper surface to your food. Copper pots are lined with a metal so copper does not touch the food because it is toxic. Scratching the lining off can be harmful to your health.

4. Clean tarnished copper utensils by placing them in a boiling pot of water. Mix 1 tbsp. of salt and 1 cup of white vinegar. Boil for several hours and then wash with warm water and soap. Rinse the utensils and dry them with a soft cloth.

Tags: soft cloth, copper surface, soapy water, warm water, with soft, with warm, with warm water