Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Make A Scented Spritzer

Homemade Perfume from Scented Oil

Personalized scented body spritzer can be an expensive gift, unless you make it yourself. You can make homemade perfume spray with scented oil at home. Create your own custom fragrances for yourself and for friends by following these simple instructions. Making a scented spray is simple enough for even a beginner to make. Learn make a scented spritzer today.


1. Pour one shot of vodka and set aside. This is simply to make room in the bottle, it is not necessary to drink the vodka, in fact it is not recommended, especially if you have an addictive personality or are a recovering addict. There's nothing wrong with dumping it down the drain.

2. Pour the desired amount of scented oil into the vodka bottle. The liquid is no longer suitable for drinking, since essential oils and most scented oils are not safe for human consumption. You could use vanilla extract, peppermint extract or any number of flavored extracts if the desired effect is a scented spritzer you can drink. Also, you could grate a citrus fruit or use dried flowers to make the scented body spray, but you'd have to strain them with a cheesecloth after a month or so, to allow the vodka time to extract the scent for homemade perfume.

3. Add 2 tbs. glycerin to the scented spray, because it keeps the scent from evaporating on your skin and clothes.

4. Shake the homemade perfume vigorously, and pour into spray bottles. If this is a gift, you might want to tie a ribbon around the neck of the bottle or make a tag letting the recipient know that it's homemade and custom-designed just for them. Remind them that it isn't for consumption.

Tags: homemade perfume, make scented, scented body, scented spray