Monday, March 23, 2009

What Toppings To Put In Stuffed Bell Peppers

Like a pizza, bell peppers have a variety of toppings to match every taste.

Bell peppers are commonly used as a garnish on salads, or as part of a vegetable casserole. However, like potatoes, they can also be stuffed with different kinds of ingredients to create satisfying main meals. Stuffed bell peppers are a comfort food that's quick and easy to make, and versatile enough that you can satisfy the tastes of a diverse group of people. Choose from a variety of toppings to complete your bell pepper recipe.


Chicken, ground beef, ground pork, ground turkey, smoked ham and Italian sausage are some of the more common toppings in a stuffed bell pepper. Use ground chicken or cubed chicken breasts. Spice all ground meets according to your own taste and mold them into the bell pepper uncooked. Lightly brown chicken breasts, but do not cook them through as the bell peppers will be placed in the oven for baking. Thoroughly cook roasted chicken prior to stuffing it inside the bell pepper for additional baking.

Fish and Cheese

Bell peppers can also be stuffed with different kinds of fish such as shrimp, crab meat, cod and red snapper. Lightly brown and mince shrimp and whole fish to form a seafood mix to bake in the oven. Stuff bell peppers with feta cheese, goat cheese or cream cheese. Select baby green peppers when using cheese as a topping to make tasty appetizers.


Another common topping in stuffed bell peppers is white and brown rice. This is a good ingredient to use in place of meat or fish for a healthier alternative to your bell pepper recipe. Mix white or brown rice with cheese, spices and tomatoes for a delicious main meal. Cook rice before you stuff it inside the bell pepper, and if you want the optimal healthy meal, choose brown rice which is loaded with fiber and protein--and unlike white rice, has not been stripped of nutrients during processing.

Vegetables, Fruit and Nuts

Bell peppers can also be stuffed with other vegetables such as pinto beans, tomatoes, mushrooms, potatoes, zucchini, spinach and carrots. Fruits and nuts such as apples, raisins and walnuts also make a tasty stuffing; Granny Smith apples are good because they're tart and retain their flavor when baked. These toppings can enhance the flavor of other ingredients in the stuffed bell pepper and the fruits especially can create a sweet counterpoint to the meat and fish in your recipe.

Tags: bell pepper, also stuffed, also stuffed with, bell peppers, brown rice