Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Keep Fresh Shucked Oysters


The best way to keep fresh oysters is unshucked and uncleaned in the refrigerator. If this is not possible, you can shuck the oysters and either refrigerate or freeze them. Fresh shucked oysters can be eaten raw or cooked. They are often an ingredient in dressings and salads. When purchasing fresh oysters, use your nose. If the oysters smell like the ocean, they are of good quality and safe to eat.


1. Store purchased shucked oysters in the original packaging in the coldest area of your refrigerator. To remain fresh, oysters require a temperature of less than 35 degrees Fahrenheit. Eat within 3 to 7 days.

2. Place freshly shucked oysters in an airtight container. Cover with cold, clean water and secure the lid on the container. As with prepackaged oysters, store in the coolest portion of your refrigerator. Eat within 3 to 7 days.

3. Pack fresh, shucked oysters into a container or zipper-type freezer bag. Cover with water and freeze. The oysters will keep for 1 to 3 months.

4. Store any dish that has been prepared with fresh, shucked oysters in the refrigerator or freeze for a later meal.

Tags: fresh oysters, shucked oysters, Cover with, shucked oysters, within days, your refrigerator