Friday, September 16, 2011

Make A Velvet Browband

Making your own fashion accessories gives you the opportunity to express your individuality with different fabrics and styles. For example, velvet is a luxurious and soft fabric that adds a touch of class to your homemade accessories. Knowing make a velvet browband gives you the ability to coordinate high-quality materials with your daily fashion routine.


1. Cut a strip of velvet fabric measuring 12 inches long by 4 inches wide. Select any type of velvet you like such as straight velvet and crushed. An affordable alternative to velvet is velour, which is just as soft and comes in the same array of colors.

2. Lay the strip of velvet fabric in front of you with the longest edge running horizontally and the wrong side of the fabric facing upward.

3. Squeeze a line of fabric glue across the top long edge of the upward-facing velvet fabric. Fold this glued edge inward by 1/2 inch, hemming the top edge of the fabric. Repeat this step with the bottom edge. Squeeze another line of glue along the top edge of the fabric. Bring this glued edge downward to meet the bottom hemmed edge. Press the edges firmly to adhere them.

This creates a tube-like structure with the velvet material, concealing the wrong side of the fabric.

4. Snip a length of elastic from the roll measuring 8 inches in length. Select a wide gauge of elastic, measuring 1 to 2 inches wide. Slide one end of the length of elastic through one of the opened ends of the velvet tube form.

5. Scrunch the velvet material downward as you feed the elastic up through the tube of material. Pull the end you inserted through the bottom of the tube, out the other end. Keep the velvet fabric ruched between both ends of elastic. This makes the form look a bit like a large hair tie.

6. Sew the ends of the elastic together using the threaded sewing needle. Sew the loose ends of velvet to each other, without connecting them to the sewed elastic ends. Tie off the thread using two or three knots to secure the stitches.

Tags: velvet fabric, measuring inches, edge fabric, elastic through, ends elastic, ends velvet, glued edge