Friday, May 28, 2010

Design Your Own Birthday Cake Online For Free

Designing your own birthday cake online is a fun option.

If you want to make a big impression on your birthday, consider designing your own birthday cake online. A personalized, self-designed cake is a great way to give your celebration a fun twist. Depending on your location, you can design a cake online and then pick it up or have it delivered.


1. Choose a cake design website. Your choice will depend largely on where you live. For example, one of the best sites for those who live in the San Francisco area is the Noe Valley Bakery site. The site offers step-by-step instructions for creating your own cake. Those in other areas of the U.S. have access to similar sites, including franchises such as Baskin-Robbins, which also has an option to design your own cake.

2. Choose what kind of cake you want. This includes size, flavor, filling and frosting choices. It is important to specify a size of cake that corresponds to your number of expected guests.

3. Select a design for your cake. Most design-a-cake programs offer a personalized design using your favorite photographs or scanned images and can create customized cakes based on your preferences. Many also give you the option to choose from their gallery of pre-made cake designs.

4. Select a birthday message for your cake and choose a color for the icing.

5. Make any final adjustments to your design. If it is to your liking, place your order. You can also make a printout of the design for a local bakery to create.

Tags: your cake, your birthday, cake online, design your, design your cake