Friday, February 6, 2009

Imitate Grill Flavor Without A Grill

Imitating the flavor of grilling without using a grill is possible with some advance planning. Some people who live in apartments or in cold winter climates find it necessary to either go out to eat food with a grilled flavor or they have to find ways to imitate that great grilled flavor.


1. Buy a good cut of fresh meat. Fresh meat helps to enhance the flavors added. Buying meat from a butcher is the best option. Look for good marbling to help the tenderness of the meat.

2. Pierce each cut of meat with a fork several times to maximize the absorption of seasonings and flavors.

3. Marinate the meat for at least 2 hours using southwest style seasonings. You can find these in the seasoning section of the supermarket. Using a dry rub is also possible, but marinating the meat will help it to stay juicy during cooking.

4. Preheat the oven to the temperature recommended for the type of meat you are cooking.

5. Mix a liquid smoke marinade by following the directions on the bottle. Place the mixture in a shallow oven proof dish. Place on the lower shelf of the oven below the meat you're cooking. For a more intense grilled flavor, add liquid smoke flavored product to the marinade or lightly brush onto the meat before cooking.

6. Place the meat on a broiling pan and cook until it is cooked to your personal preference.

7. Add barbecue sauce if desired once the meat is cooked. Barbecue sauce that is added before the meat is cooked will form a burned crust over the meat.

Tags: grilled flavor, liquid smoke, meat cooked, meat cooking