Monday, June 3, 2013

Use A Nutmeg Grater

Nutmeg is the seed inside the fruit of the nutmeg tree. The whole seed lasts indefinitely in an airtight container, stored away from sunlight. The ground nutmeg found in the spice section of your grocery store deteriorates and loses its flavor rather quickly, so the whole seed is preferred by many chefs. Grate the amount you need from the seed and retain the rich aromatic flavor of the nutmeg.


1. Find whole nutmeg in most grocery stores in the spice section. If it isn't available at your store, order it online.

2. Choose the kind of nutmeg grater that best suits your needs. The hand graters are small and handy to use. Some of them have a small area to store a nutmeg seed, which is convenient because you usually don't use a whole seed for one recipe. The grating edge has coarse, sharp raised holes and works like most other graters.

3. Run the nutmeg seed in a downward motion over the grater, repeating this process until you have grated the amount you need.

4. Decide whether you want to use a mill instead of a hand grater. They are easier on the knuckles and come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some of the mills are loaded from the top while others are loaded from the bottom. If you are using the bottom loading variety, place the nutmeg inside the mill with the pointed end facing the inside of the mill, press the grating disk back on and lock it into place. By turning the crank clockwise, you cause the grating disk to shave the hard nutmeg seed into a semi-fine texture that is usable in baking and cooking. With the top loading mill, the placement of the nutmeg isn't as important.

5. Clean your hand grater periodically with a stiff brush, soap and water. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning the mill type graters.

Tags: whole seed, amount need, grating disk, hand grater, inside mill