Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Effects Of Too Little Carbohydrates

With so many diets and healthy recipes out there, there seem to be a number of "bad" words in the diet realm. One of those words is carbohydrate, and many diets insist on regulating carbohydrates as much as they regulate fat and calories. But are there consequences of eating too few carbohydrates? Yes.

Decreased energy

Without the presence of carbohydrates, fat is broken down into components that include a byproduct called ketones. When ketones begin to accumulate, the result is headaches, dizziness, decreased energy and fatigue.

Digestive difficulties

Dehydration often follows a lack of carbohydrates, and can lead to constipation as well as adding to the feelings of headache, fatigue and aching muscles.

Raising vulnerabilities

Cutting out carbohydrates means cutting out a number of vegetables and whole grains, which also eliminates the benefits of such foods. Risks of cancers can increase when some of these foods are eliminated from the diet.

Kidney stones

The same ketones that are created by improper fat burning can cause blockages and result in kidney stones.

Heart disease

When carbohydrates are eliminated from a diet, there are other compounds that need to take their place, such as proteins, cholesterol and fats--which can all lead to an increased risk for heart disease.

Tags: eliminated from, eliminated from diet, from diet, many diets