Monday, November 29, 2010

Make A Label For An Alcohol Bottle

Making your own alcoholic beverage takes time and care and can be a wonderful experience. You can bottle your own wine, beer or even moonshine and save it for everyday use, or you can give bottles to your family and friends as special gifts. If you are going to take the time to create your own alcoholic beverage, you should take the time to make a unique label as well. With a few supplies and a little bit of imagination, you will be creating labels for your bottles in no time.


Basic Label Making Instructions

1. Open a new page in Microsoft Word.

2. Select a font, font size and font color for your label. Name your beverage by typing it into your Word document.

3. Insert pictures or clip art into your Word document.

4. Save your document but do not close it.

5. Insert your sticker paper into your printer and press print.

6. Using your small paint brush, apply your sealer to the label. Allow to dry and then apply a second coat. The sealer will add a nice shine to your label. Apply as many times as you like till you are satisfied with the finished look.

7. Cut out your label from the sticker paper and apply to your bottle by peeling the backing away and pressing it to the glass.

Insert Images in to a Word Document.

8. Click on the "Insert" tab on your Microsoft Word dashboard.

9. Choose the picture or clip art option to find an image to insert onto your label.

10. Click on "clip art" and type in the search box the type of picture you would like to insert into your Word document, or click on "pictures" and choose a picture from you computer's files.

11. Resize and move around the image until you are satisfied with its location and appearance.

12. Save your document.

Tags: into your, your label, your Word document, into your Word, your Word