Friday, June 18, 2010

Fix Fresh Ginger

Break off the amount of ginger you want to purchase if you only need a small amount.

Ginger rhizome, better known as ginger root, can be bought in most grocery stores. It is a tan-colored, knobby root. When buying it, look for hard, heavy pieces; you can break off small knobs from the larger ginger root if you need a small amount. Store ginger for up to a week on the counter, but if you wish to store it longer place the ginger in a perforated plastic bag and refrigerate it. Fresh ginger can be used to make a variety of foods such as cakes, marinades, cookies and drinks.


1. Hold the ginger in one hand and grasp a teaspoon close to the scoop area.

2. Place the edge of the spoon on the ginger and scrape the brown outer, paper-like peel off the ginger. The ginger flesh is a lighter color than its peel.

3. Put the peeled ginger on a cheese grater and rub it in an up-and-down motion. The grated ginger will fall out the bottom side of the grater. To julienne the ginger proceed to Step 4.

4. Place the peeled ginger on a cutting board. Slice it into thin rectangular, matchstick-like pieces against the grain. Ginger sliced with the grain is stringy.

Tags: ginger root, need small, need small amount, peeled ginger, small amount