Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Make Restaurantstyle Seasoning For Burgers

The perfect burger starts with flavorful seasoning for the meat.

Impress your guests with juicy restaurant style-burgers. Creating the perfect burger starts with getting the right ingredients to form a tasty marinade that goes well with a variety of toppings. The average old-fashioned cheeseburger has given birth to a generation of burgers that host a variety of different toppings, cheeses and sauces. However, getting the base seasoning that compliments the rest of the burger is vital to bring out the fullest taste of the meat.


1. Wash the red onion in cold water. Pat the onion dry with a cotton towel.

2. Chop off each end of the onion, then chop the onion in half from top to bottom. Discard the peel on the outer layer of the onion.

3. Lay one half of the onion down on the chopping block and chop the onion into small pieces.

4. Heat the olive oil over medium heat, then saute the onion for 5 minutes or until glazed.

5. Turn the heat off. Sprinkle the onion with salt and pepper and then stir in the balsamic vinegar. Cover the onion and store it in a cool place.

Tags: burger starts, burger starts with, chop onion, onion half, onion with