Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Seed A Roma Tomato

Roma tomatoes are full of seeds and juice.

The Roma tomato is an elongated egg-shaped tomato that is popular for sauces but can be used just like other tomatoes. This includes foods like sandwiches, bruschetta, salsa and salads. Because the tomato inherently has a lot of seeds and juice, it is important to remove these to keep certain recipes from becoming watery or soggy. There are various ways to seed a tomato, but the following method keeps the skin intact for easy slicing, chopping or dicing.


1. Take the Roma tomato and slice about 1/4th inch off each end. Place the tomato upright on either end.

2. Cut completely down one side of the tomato about three-fourths of the way to the other side. Place the tomato back on its side and slightly pull open along the incision. This creates enough space for your knife to enter comfortably but not break the tomato in half at the same time.

3. Turn the knife blade horizontally and place the edge of the knife on the edge of the cut tomato. Gently work the blade horizontally along the tomato while stretching out the other side of the tomato with the other hand. Keep the blade close to the tomato to remove the majority of seeds and juice, meanwhile being careful not to cut into the meat and create waste. Cut completely along the tomato until you are left with the flattened skin.

4. Remove any leftover juice and seeds with your fingers that were not extracted with the knife. The skin and meat of the Roma tomato is now ready for dicing or further preparation.

Tags: seeds juice, along tomato, blade horizontally, other side, Place tomato, Roma tomato