Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Make Butter In A Blender

Use your blender to make homemade butter.

If you want make butter, you don't have to have a butter churn. You can easily make butter at home with whipping cream and a blender. Add some extra flavor to the butter to give a special flair.


1. Let the cream sit out of the refrigerator until it's room temperature. If it's refrigerator cold, it will take too long to become butter.

2. Pour the cream in the blender container and begin blending on low speed. If you blend it too fast, you'll end up with whipped cream.

3. Continue blending at low speed until you see blobs of yellow swirling around in the mix. This can take anywhere from 10 minutes to half an hour, depending on the temperature of the cream. The yellow blobs will start to get larger and form a bigger blob and there will be lots of other liquid suddenly swishing around in the blender as well. When this happens, turn off the blender.

4. Pour the contents of the blender through a cheesecloth-lined strainer into a bowl. You can save the buttermilk that you've poured off. It's not cultured like you buy in the store, but it's perfectly suited to cooking or drinking.

5. Take the butter you have in the cheesecloth and bring the corners of the cloth together, gently twist the cloth and squeeze the butter. More buttermilk will be squeezed out. Your aim is to get as much liquid as you can out of the butter.

6. Rinse the butter under cold water, when you've squeezed as much buttermilk out as you can through the cheesecloth. Then take it out of the cheesecloth and place it on a plate. Use a wooden spoon that's been soaked in cold water, which keeps it from sticking to the spoon, or a spatula, to work the butter. Use the back of the utensil to push the butter around on the plate and push out any more buttermilk.

7. Keep forming the butter into a ball and rinsing it under cold water, and working it until there is no more buttermilk coming out. This doesn't take more than a few minutes.

8. Sprinkle a little salt on the butter, if desired, and work it into the butter. If you want other flavors, you can add lemon zest, orange zest, finely chopped parsley, or other herbs or spices. Cinnamon is good for breakfast breads and pancakes.

9. Pack your butter into a container and cover it tightly with plastic wrap before refrigerating.

Tags: cold water, blending speed, butter have, butter into, butter want, cream blender