Thursday, February 26, 2009

Tell If Your Diamond Is Real

Authentic diamonds are extremely valuable, while fakes can be virtually worthless.

If you recently purchased or received a diamond, you may be wondering if it is real or fake. Knowing the difference between the two can give you peace of mind and let you know if it is worth insuring your stone. Fortunately, there are several ways to check diamonds on your own. These methods may not always be perfect, but if you use them in conjunction, you should be able to determine the authenticity of your diamond.


1. Look into the diamond closely. If you see gray reflections, the diamond is more likely to be authentic than if you see colorful reflections.

2. Hold the diamond over a piece of paper with writing on it. If you can clearly read the text, the diamond is probably a fake.

3. Breathe on the diamond. If the fog remains on the diamond for a few seconds, it is likely fake. Real diamonds will lose the fog almost immediately.

4. Try placing the diamond in water. A real diamond should sink immediately, while a fake one may float.

5. Visit a jeweler. If you remain unclear about the authenticity of your diamond. A jeweler can tell you for sure and give you a rough appraisal of its value.

Tags: authenticity your, authenticity your diamond, your diamond