Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Buy A Whisk

A whisk is an utensil found in the kitchen used to mix ingredients together. Dry ingredients can be mixed together thoroughly and quickly with a whisk. Moist ingredients are mixed with a whisk to make the mixture more airy and fluffy. There are several types of whisks available which can make purchasing a whisk a difficult decision.


1. Drink a cup of matcha green tea, and you'll need to purchase a chasen whisk. Matcha green tea is made by mixing the powdered matcha into water with a whisk made from a single piece of bamboo.

2. Mix drinks easier with a beverage whisk. Any drink that needs to be stirred can be quickly mixed with a small, long-handled balloon whisk.

3. Control temperatures in cooking with a thermometer whisk. This whisk looks like a normal whisk with a digital thermometer on the end of the handle. This utensil is invaluable if one is working with heat-sensitive ingredients necessary for making meringues or custard-based foods.

4. Prepare eggs and gravies on a regular basis with a sauce whisk. This whisk has a loop at the bottom of the whisk with a sturdy coil loosely wrapped around the loop. This whisk flattens into the bottom of a pan easily to make gravies and eggs a cinch to prepare.

5. Bake a lot of bread, and you will need to have a dough whisk on hand. The dough whisk has a long wooden handle that makes mixing dry and wet ingredients together an easy chore. The stiff circular wires of the dough whisk allow the ingredients to work easily though the whisk to form into an elastic textured dough.

Tags: This whisk, with whisk, dough whisk, ingredients mixed, ingredients together, mixed with, whisk This