Friday, April 6, 2012

Make Amish Bread Starter

Amish bread is traditionally known as Amish friendship bread. Although it takes several days to make the starter for Amish bread, once it's done, you can make delicious Amish bread and you have a wonderful gift anytime you need it. Give your friends and family a loaf of Amish bread and include some starter and they can pass the gift along to their friends and family.


1. Place 2/3 cup of milk and 2/3 cup of flour in a large resealable bag or a sealed non-metal container and blend it thoroughly. Don't refrigerate the mixture, but store it at room temperature.

2. Stir the starter daily for 17 days. If you use a resealable bag, you can just blend it with your fingers.

3. Allow the starter to sit without disturbing it on day 18 and stir it on days 19, 20 and 21.

4. Add 1 cup of sugar and 1 cup of milk on day 22, and stir well. Stir the mixture on days 23 through 26. Add 1 cup of sugar and one cup of milk on day 27 and mix well.

5. Take out 3 cups, one cup at a time, and put them in separate, non-metal containers. Keep one for yourself and give 2 cups away to friends and family.

6. Make bread with your starter as directed on an Amish bread recipe. You will have enough starter left over to make additional starter and more Amish bread.

Tags: Amish bread, friends family, Amish bread, sugar milk, with your