Friday, May 15, 2009

Eat Limburger Cheese

Limburger cheese is known for its distinctive smell. In fact, the smell alone caused an interstate dispute over whether the cheese was deliverable in the mail, according to "Uncle John's Slightly Irregular Bathroom Reader." While the smell of the cheese is pungent, the taste of the cheese can be described as buttery and sweet and not nearly as strong tasting as it smells. Monroe, Wisconsin, is known for creating some of the best Limburger cheese in the United States. The cheese is an ingredient of traditional sandwiches and all by itself.


Traditional Limburger Sandwich

1. Use pumpernickel or rye bread as the base of the sandwich. Rye and pumpernickel have distinctive tastes that will not be drowned out by the flavors of the other ingredients.

2. Thinly slice sweet onions. Fresh onions work best. The sweetness of the onion plays well with the cheese. In most recipes that use Limburger cheese, sweet onions will also be included. Your taste preferences will determine the amount of onion placed in the sandwich.

3. Use pepper and mustard to taste. Wash the sandwich down with a beer. According to the Beer Advocate website, beers with strong flavors will work best with strong flavored cheeses like Limburger.

Snack Ideas

4. Purchase a Limburger spread for use in snacks. Pair the Limburger spread with toasted rye bread. Spread the desired amount and snack away.

5. Pair the cheese spread with crackers. Rye crackers work best. Melba toast also works well with the strong taste of the cheese.

6. Cut a slice of Limburger cheese and try it on its own. Trying the cheese by itself will allow you to appreciate the cheese for its own flavors uninterrupted by any other flavors. For those faint of heart, have a beer ready to wash it all down.

Tags: Limburger cheese, with strong, work best, Limburger spread, spread with, sweet onions