Thursday, January 14, 2010

Coat A Thanksgiving Turkey With Sage Butter

Before roasting your next turkey, try coating it with a creamy sage-butter rub. Coat the outside of the turkey with the sage-butter rub, producing a golden browned, crisp exterior. Stuffing the remaining sage-butter mixture under the turkey's skin not only flavors the meat but also helps keep it moist during roasting.


1. Place the butter in a medium-size mixing bowl. Use a rubber spatula to cream the butter for about one minute. Add the sage, thyme or marjoram, parsley, salt and black pepper to the bowl. Blend well.

2. Take an 8-inch square piece of plastic wrap and lay it out on the work surface. Use the spatula to scrape the butter into the center of the plastic wrap.

3. Fold all four ends of the plastic wrap in toward the center and twist to seal. Roll the sealed butter into a 5-inch cylinder. Refrigerate until firm.

4. Remove the turkey's neck and giblets. Wash the turkey inside and out with cold running water. Use paper towels to dry the bird's cavity and its entire outside surface. Season the bird's cavity with salt and pepper.

5. Slice the seasoned butter into about 20 pieces. Set six pieces aside to soften slightly.

6. Lift about three inches of the skin covering the turkey's breast on both sides. Insert four pieces of the butter in each cavity. Push the skin back down over the butter.

7. Use a small piece of waxed paper to smear the softened butter pieces over the legs, thighs, breast and underside of the turkey. Then roast the turkey as usual.

Tags: butter into, plastic wrap, bird cavity