Thursday, November 21, 2013

Prepare Fish For Sushi

If you admire the beautiful sushi you see at your favorite sushi bar and think you could never attempt to replicate the beauty of the delicate sushi, think again. You don't have to be as perfect and exacting as a sushi master when you make your own sushi at home. It may not look quite as professional, but it will be absolutely delicious and made with the freshest ingredients.


1. Cut each fillet into a rectangular block, making sure it's uniform in size from top to bottom.

2. Slice a thin layer off the top of the fillet to remove any skin or scales, and discard. Repeat on the bottom of the fillet if necessary.

3. Trim off any uneven or darkly colored pieces. If you have other fish fillets, prepare them the same way at this time.

4. Lay a fish fillet on your cutting board, turned so that the fillet is at a 45-degree angle to the lower edge of the cutting board.

5. Slice the fillet into 1/4-inch slices, holding the blade at a slight angle. When the cut is almost complete, push the knife straight down to finish the cut.

6. Continue cutting the fillet into slices and continue with your sushi recipe.

Tags: fillet into, cutting board, sushi think, your sushi