Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tips On Crispy Potato Pancakes

Crispy potato pancakes make a nice addition to a brunch.

Crispy potato pancakes, served with a savory cream sauce or sweet sauce, make a delightful addition to any weekend brunch menu. But if you have tried to make them at home, you may have noticed their tendency to turn mushy and off-color. The trick to making a potato pancake crispy lies in removing excess water and cooking them at the appropriate temperature.

Choosing a Potato

Use russet potatoes for your potato pancakes, they have less moisture to begin with than smaller, younger potatoes. Choose russets with a smooth skin and no moldy spots or green spots. Wash them well, then let them air dry in a colander. It is not necessary to peel them.

Grating the Potatoes

Grate the potatoes by hand or with a machine. If you grate them by hand, you can do so directly on to a clean dish towel. If you use a machine, you can grate them, then lay them on a towel. Do not use paper towels, as you need to use the towel to extract the excess water. Put the potatoes in the center of the towel, and close the towel around it like a burrito, leaving extra towel at both ends. Take the ends and twist in a wringing motion over the sink, squeezing out the moisture. Remove as much as you can. You could use cheese cloth instead of a dish towel.

Preparing the Mix

Prepare your potato pancakes according to your preferred recipe. Heat some vegetable oil in a pan on medium and put just a bit of the potato mix in, to watch for when it starts to sizzle. Remove the test portion and form your pancakes, about the size of your palm, and 1/2-inch thick, and lay them in the pan, not overcrowded. Use a flipper to check for desired browning and then flip them. Turn down the heat if your oil starts smoking.

Storing for Serving

Store your potato pancakes in an oven warmed to 200 degrees Fahrenheit, in a single layer on a cookie sheet. You can line the cookie sheet with aluminum foil or parchment paper. Do not cover them. Only store them this way until serving them.

Tags: potato pancakes, your potato, your potato pancakes, cookie sheet, Crispy potato, dish towel