Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Scramble Eggs

Scramble Eggs

Scrambled eggs are a classic breakfast staple, but can be surprisingly difficult to master. The key is in the texture. To make them creamy in texture, you need to cook them slowly over low heat.

The big tip here is knowing that cooking the eggs at a higher temperature makes them rubbery. Some of the "hard scrambled" types like this! If that's you, by all means, crank it up. But stir the eggs more often so they don't burn.

Serves one.


1. Crack one to three large eggs in a bowl.

2. Add a splash of milk.

3. Add a dash of pepper and salt.

4. Beat with a fork or whisk until well combined.

5. Heat a skillet over a medium-low flame.

6. Melt 1/2 tbsp. of butter in the skillet.

7. Pour the beaten eggs into the skillet.

8. Let the eggs cook undisturbed until they begin to set, then stir them off the bottom of the pan gently.

9. Continue cooking until the eggs are the consistency you like.

10. Stir cheese or any other additions into the eggs 1 or 2 minutes before you're going to serve them.

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