Friday, May 17, 2013

Make A Macchiato Coffee

In Italian, the word macchiato means "marked." A caffe macchiato literally means "marked with milk." A macchiato consists of a shot of espresso along with a layer of steamed and foamed milk. Making a macchiato takes practice, as you have to be able to properly steam milk and make an espresso.


Steam the Milk

1. Fill a stainless steel pitcher with whole milk. Make sure that you add enough milk in the pitcher so that the milk reaches the level of the nozzle in your espresso machine.

2. Place the nozzle of the espresso machine in the pitcher on the top of the milk's surface and turn on the machine.

3. Steam the milk to create foam. Do this by swirling the milk in the pitcher around the nozzle of the espresso machine. Tap the pitcher to eliminate any bubbles that form. Steam the milk until the volume of milk has doubled.

4. Set the steamed milk and foam aside while you make the espresso.

Make an Espresso

5. Use a coffee grinder to grind the espresso beans until they are very fine, but not powdery.

6. Fill the filter basket of the espresso machine with the ground espresso beans.

7. Place the espresso cup under the handle of the espresso machine and pull the handle down to make the espresso.

8. Watch as the espresso fills your espresso cup about 80 percent full.

Add the Steamed Milk to the Espresso

9. Hold the espresso cup at a slight angle.

10. Pour the steamed milk and foam onto the center of the espresso in the espresso cup. Be sure to pour enough steamed milk and foam to fill the cup the rest of the way.

11. Try creating patterns and designs when you pour the steamed milk and foam onto the espresso. This might take some practice, but once you master the technique, you'll impress your guests with your Macchiato coffee making skills

Tags: espresso machine, milk foam, steamed milk foam, steamed milk, espresso beans, espresso machine pitcher, foam onto