Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Dry Pumpkin Seeds

When you carve your Halloween jack 'o lanterns, save the pumpkin seeds to spice and roast for a delicious autumn treat. The seeds must be thoroughly dry to properly absorb the spices. Here are a few easy ways to dry pumpkin seeds.


1. Scoop the seeds out of the pumpkin with a strong metal spoon.

2. Wash the pumpkin seeds carefully. Separate them from the stringy pumpkin tissue. Rinse the seeds thoroughly in a colander.

3. Spread on a cookie sheet to dry overnight or leave them out in the sun for a day or two. If you live in a humid area, use an oven or a dehydrator to speed up the process.

4. To use a dehydrator, put the seeds in the unit's tray. Set the dehydrator to 120 degrees F. Leave the seeds in the dehydrator for 1 to 2 hours.

5. To use the oven, preheat the oven to its lowest setting. It should be lower than 150 degrees F. Place the seeds on a cookie sheet. Put them in the oven for 3 to 4 hours.

6. Stir seeds with a spoon every 30 minutes to an hour so that they don't scorch.

7. Remove seeds from oven or dehydrator. Place them on a paper towel. Pat dry.

Tags: pumpkin seeds, cookie sheet, oven dehydrator