Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Keep Food Warm On The Plate

Keep food covered before serving to preserve its temperature.

You've gone through the trouble of preparing a meal, so you don't want it to grow cold when you serve it to your guests. Following these easy tips will keep your food warm without drying it out. Keep these tips in mind to enjoy hot meals for yourself or when entertaining guests.


1. Cover the plated food with the lids from the pots, pans or dishes it was cooked in before you serve it. The lids will not only retain the food's warmth, they will also capture the steam that the heat gives off, which will keep your meal moist. Alternatively, leave your plates in the oven at low temperature to keep it warm. Be careful not to dry out your meals.

2. Close all the windows in the room where you're dining, and shut off the air conditioner or any fans that are running. A draft or direct breeze will quickly cool your food. If it's not feasible to do these things because of hot weather, move the table away from any cooling devices or drafts.

3. Serve the meal on hot plates. These are specialty plates you can preheat in the microwave to help retain temperature for one-half hour. You can also warm regular ceramic plates by wrapping them in warm, wet towels for several minutes before using them or placing dishes -- if they are oven-safe -- in the oven on the lowest setting for five minutes.

4. Serve the food from a chafing dish. The dish is designed to keep the food warm while it's being served. There are two types: those heated with a small canister of fuel, and those that sit in a bath of hot water. The chafing dish can sit on the dining table, making the hot food easily accessible.

Tags: chafing dish, food warm, keep your, will keep, will keep your, your food